Album Articulation #2: Transmissions by Amos Lee
A greyscale portrait gives a preview of an older stage of life.
When I'm sinking down that's when I cry out above
Yes, even in the darkest places we still look for love
Darkest Places - Amos Lee
Album Articulation #2
Artist: Amos Lee
Album: Transmissions
Released: August 9, 2024
Genre: Folk, Americana, Roots Rock
Notable Songs
Beautiful Day
Battling inner turmoil by remembering to be thankful for the day we have.Madison
The sudden explosion of rock diving into the longing to save someone (and one's self). Great vocal runs and classical influence.Darkest Places
The highlight of the album, catchy and punchy, self-deprecating but uplifting.
Bob Dylan crooner, longing vocals with drawn out vowels and runs.
Raw-feeling vocals are not very over-processed.
Gospel-inspired harmonies highlight choruses and prominent lyrics.
Folksy instruments like banjo, mandolin, and organ synth.
Song endings are drawn out, often not ending concretely with a “I” chord; trying to avoid inevitable ends and adding to the feeling of longing.
Familiar pulling chord progressions feel comfortable, then a disruption makes poignant impact.
Some of the lyrics of lack of personal confidence, seeking comfort and desire in outside forces.
Use of muted instruments like the piano give the feeling of hearing it away in a far room, like he’s outside of his feelings or unable to break into someone else’s
Album Cover Connections
Heavy grain texture over the whole image including the figure, viewed like TV static or rain falling. Unclear image leans into the unsettled contemplations of the album.
The sky is cloudy, adding to the moodiness of the scene.
The figure blends into the background, even though prominent and centered.
Greyscale, devoid of color and life, even though almost a full person is in view.
Lee has no smile, almost knowingly blank eye contact with the viewer. He has been though tough times and looks weary and tired.
His demeanor is unkempt and messy just like life. He isn’t clean shaven and is in comfortable, not formal or detailed, clothes.
His body is facing away, perhaps even was moving away, but has stopped to address the audience.
He wants others to help solve his issues (he sings “take me with you”, not “I will go with you”) and he is waiting, watching you, to know if you will come along.
Simple text setting of the artist and album at the top, with the italicized title leaning towards his movement direction.
He is sending out transmissions to people he’s loved, lost, tried to save, and appreciated as he muses on his life and future.